By naming Hillary as a frontrunner you're overlooking a very important fact... Bernie Sanders stands quite a good chance of being the frontrunner if the decision is left up to the voters at the primaries and caucuses. Knowing that this game is indeed rigged and Bernie Sanders is being shoved to the sidelines by media (like this) and the Democrat's own chair, Debbie Wassermann Shultz, we will be stifled and our candidate will be demonized by all of the aforementioned. We will not stop if he doesn't make it onto the Democratic ticket. Call it a Nader, call it what you will, but hear this now: The system that is set in place to propel Clinton to the top which surpasses the will of the people will be the ultimate cause for the split in the party.
We are not indictrinated Democrats, we are fueling a movement. If you shove Bernie Sanders down, there is a very good chance that Trump will be president of the United States. And it won't be our FAULT for voting anti-corporatist, it won't be our fault for sticking to a set of standards which Clinton only talks about as she parrots Mr Sanders' every bullet point on his platform... it will be the fault of the people who have consistently voted "lesser of evils" and ignored the conservative doings of the Democrat Party. The threat of a Trump presidency is real. If you think that the corporatist Clinton is going to save you from this terrifying fact, then think again. We are committed to getting a president elected that suits the needs of the American people. If we fail to get Bernie into the White House, then you will be getting the president you deserve... Consider yourself warned.